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發表於 2023-11-6 13:20:59 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
The application scheme is similar there is an rhost operator it writes the address in reverse order. The operator and url are entered without spaces. Search sites in a domain zone or on a domainadvanced search the search operator domain helps to perform a search only if the site belongs to a zone with one level for example com or ua they should not be long like msk.Ru. Used like this query search operator for example “buy cheese domain ru” in search without quotes; request a specific domain for example “news domain dnepr.
Advanced search on the right side of the screen near the search bar there is an icon that allows you to configure advanced search filters. You can set different parameters time city page language. Filtering by documentsfiltering by documents yandex has implemented mobile app designs service a filter that allows you to search for documents of a specific format – mime . Using the operator you will search for queries in doc xls ods files options. To start the search you need to enter a simple query mime pdf where mime is the operator and pdf is the desired file format preceded by a word or phrase to specify.

Filter by languagefilter by language to search for documents or sites in a specific language you should use the lang operator. Remember that the language is specified according to iso standards en – english ru – russian etc. The filter syntax is very simple “query lang uk” without quotes as in the example. The search results will display synonymous options for example for dolls – these are “bobbleheads” “motankas” etc. Filtering pages by datefiltering pages by date the date operator allows you to filter pages based on the date they were last modified. The syntax is as follows date digits of year – months – days.


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