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Objective of the lead management system . lead management Pain, Power, Fit: the concepts in detail To clarify this methodology, it is necessary to start by explaining the meaning of the three key concepts: Pain is a defining problem or a significant opportunity Power represents the means to solve the problem or seize the opportunity Fit is the most suitable solution with a comparative advantage These are the three characteristics that are found in every change. When the three factors exist, change is virtually unstoppable.
Thanks to the scheme, it is possible to preliminarily evaluate whether an action or decision can lead to wedding photo editing service a positive and advantageous result or not. The Pain, Power, Fit model is a method for evaluating and ranking opportunities and is based on a score ranging from 0 to 5, with 5 being the maximum. Let's try to explain better. Pain To get the maximum score in this category, the opportunity must meet 3 criteria. Must be necessary , meaning the business or contact wants to act immediately; it must be recognized as urgent and must be specific , well defined and limited, so that any possible risk is under control. Power Again, the opportunity must meet three criteria to obtain a score of.

The people facing the situation must have the means to use their authority to their advantage and/or to activate the necessary resources. They must be leaders and must provide a clear demonstration of their ability to act in a similar situation to meet the challenge. Finally, they must be credible in explaining the decision-making process to all stakeholders. Fit Three criteria also for this category, which must be met to obtain the maximum score. The best solution to address the opportunity must be suited to solving the majority of prospects' concerns and challenges.


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